In Mark Off v. 2021.9 I have made a lot of changes related to Widgets. Now you could customize each Widget separately, there is a new Widget type and you could see stats from your calendars too.
I have tried to make widgets as customizable as possible, so they will fit any screen setup. If you have any idea about improving widgets, feel free to write me an email.
If you enjoy using Mark Off: Visual Calendar, please, consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a coffee.
How it works
In the Settings of the app go to Widgets view and add a new widget customization.
Customize the widget based on your preferences – you will see all the changes you have made in real time with a Widget preview on top of the screen.
After that add a new Widget on your Home Screen and select name of a widget customization after pressing “Edit Widget”

Monthly calendar
With a monthly Widget you could see your favourite calendars on your home screen. Almost every setting is customizable, including header and date lables.
You could also add some additional information related to calendar types: your stats for streak calendars or days left/passed for travel and deadlines calendar.

With a medium widget you could also see your calendar events from selected iOS calendars.
Daily picture
With a daily widget you get a picture for the day from a selected calendar – it could be a drawing by you, a country flag for your current trip or just a green square for a successful day from a streak calendar.
You could specify which date do you want to see – it could be today, or it could be 10 days in the future, it is up to you. Just set the date offset however you want.

You could also set formatting for the date in every possible way – this site will help you with choosing the format you want.
Transparent widgets
You could make your widgets transparent in 2 steps.
Step 1 – make a screenshot of your empty Home Screen.
1.1 Long press on any empty space to activate Editing mode for Home Screen – you could also long press on any icon and select “Edit Home Screen” from the context menu.
1.2 Swipe to the right until you see an empty Home Screen
1.3 Make a Screenshot
Step 2 – make your widget transparent
In the Background section for a widget:
2.1 Turn on “Make transparent” switch
2.2 Select as a wallpaper Screenshot you have made in step 1.3
2.3 Specify position of your widget

If Widget background is not fully align with Home Screen wallpaper, you could adjust it with Horizontal and Vertical offsets in the Background section of Widget settings.
That’s it! Now your widget should be transparent: