Information about the most significant updates
If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas about the app – feel free to contact me with form on About page or send Feedback from the the app Settings.
If you enjoy using Mark Off: Visual Calendar, please, consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a coffee.
31/03/2024 – v.2024.2 – Notifications and updates for Deadlines and Projects calendars
Notifications – now you can create daily or weekly notifications that will remind you that it’s time to update your Calendars. Badges – will show you the number of Calendars without data for today (only for selected Calendars).
Deadlines calendars – now for each date you can set a name, color and rules for displaying in the stats under the Calendar.
Projects calendars – added statistics and the ability to archive Projects.
16/10/2023 – v.2023.11 – New year mode and new name
New mode for one calendar and the calendars list – Year mode with all days in one table. Just another way to display your data.
I am also experimenting with the app name – so now it is called Mark Off instead off Cross out. The reason for this change is a popular game CrossOut and it is significantly decreases chances for my app to be discovered.

23/09/2023 – v.2023.9 – Day mode for calendars list
New mode for the calendars list – Day mode – allows you to see one day for all your calendars.
In the App Settings you could set this mode as the base one.

13/05/2023 – v.2023.6 – Linked Calendars
Linked Calendars – now you could link your Mark Off Travel calendars with a normal calendar (iOS or Google) – all new Travels, created in Mark Off, will be added to the Selected Calendar. You could add previous Travels in the calendar Options. All date and contry changes, made in Mark Off, will be synced with the Selected Calendar, but changes done in the Selected Calendar will not be reflected in Mark Off.
Filter for Life calendars – select which chapters you want to see, quickly turn on/off showing trips and travels
28/04/2023 – v.2023.5 – Travel Map
Now you could add Locations of cities and places you’ve visitied to trips and locations. These Locations will be shown on a Map.
You could open the Map from the calendar menu, travel details or Travel list.

13/02/2023 – v.2023.2 – Bug with Basic calendar images
Unfortunately, the most significant update for this version is a bug.
Images for Basic calendar type can’t be displayed on a month view. All images are saved and didn’t disappear, the only problem with displaying them. I’ve already sent an update with a fix to the App Store, waiting for an approval.
Until then you could change calendar type to a Streak one – it should solve the problem.
Really sorry about the inconvenience!
25/01/2023 – v. 2023.1 – Work calendar
– Create work types – for different shift, projects or day types
– Based on these types create work schedules – it could be based on days of the week or custom sequences (i.e. 2 day shifts, 2 night shifts, 2 rest days)
– You could have several schedules in parallel
– Customize color and visibility on calendar and in stats for each work type
– Add manual entries to override schedules – in case of one-off changes or for vacations, holidays or sick leaves

12/11/2022 – v. 2022.13 – Visas and Schengen-calculator
In Travel calendars you could now add Visas and track compliance with the 90/180 rules. It will help you with trips planning:
– In the new travel view all dates, which violate the rules or not covered by any visas are highlighted
– In the visa view trips and dates, which violate the rules, are also highlighted
On a Visa calendar you could see Available entry days, Used days or Left days. For trips planning Available entry days are the most useful – it shows you for how much days you could entry a country on each date.
For trips in countries, which are covered by visas, additional useful info, such as number of additional days you could use, is also displayed now
Other improvements:
– Draw images for custom countries
– Contextual actions on dates from the calendar list

08/10/2022 – v. 2022.10 – Week widgets and istant access to dates
Week widgets for one or several calendars simultaneously.
Instant access to dates allows you to edit dates directly from the calendars list. You could turn this feature off in the app settings.

03/09/2022 – v. 2022.8 – Emoji calendar, date frames and export/emport
Emoji is a new calendar type, which you could use to track mood, activities or anything else.
Create Emoji types in calendar details and add them to dates. You could add as many emoji to a day as you want, but it is better to stop on 3-4 since font size will be decreased to fill all the emoji. You could also specify maximum font size.
Date frames adds an additional customization for calendar. You could specify the rule for frame:
– add frames to all dates
– add frames only to passed dates
– add frames only to dates with images
– add frames only to passed dated with images
In the app Settings you could now export and import your calendars and widgets for back-up or sharing purposes.

04/08/2022 – v. 2022.5 – Week mode
Now you could view all your data in a Weekly view – it is available both for the calendar list and for one selected calendar.
You could specify Base mode in the App settings
I also changed a lot in the code logic and I hope I only removed bugs and didn’t add new ones.. But if you have any problems, just write me an e-mail.

08/06/2022 – v. 2022.4 – Default images and widget colors
Default images – you could add an image for a calendar and it will be copied every day as a picture for the day. You could still edit this picture for a particular date or you could change all default images too
Now you could separate customizable widget colors for light and dark modes
Images streak info for widgets – in addition to data regarding your streaks and days left and passed, now you could select a new other info type for widgets, which will show the number of consecutive days with images

14/05/2022 – v. 2022.3 – Focus mode
If you have only one calendar, you could turn on “Focus mode” in the app settings.
This way the app will be always focused on this calendar – there will be no need for an addtional tap to go from the calendards list to a calendar you want to open.
IPad version is also updated to support multifunctionality and Split mode.
07/04/2022 – v. 2022.2 – Widgets for Periods
Now you could create widget for your Periods.
Set “Period” type for a widget and select a period from the periods list for the calendar.
As with other widget types, you could customize almost everything.
Due to system memory limitatations, number of days in periods are limited to 50.

07/12/2021 – v. 2021.23 – Improvements for Activities calendars
Major improvements for Activities calendars:
– Stats with all important dynamics – you could filter out activities and select the dates you are interested in
– Filter activities on the calendar
– Mode for quick adding and removing of activities
– Export calendar as a pdf-report

27/11/2021 – v. 2021.21 – Periods
Now you could customize periods of time, which you want to see – it is perfect for challenges and new beginnings – no need to wait for a new month to start a new life!
Create periods for all basic calendars and specify start/end dates, number of days and columns, stats you want to see. You could set a period as a default view for a calendar, so it will always be opened with this period view.
You could quickly switch between different periods and month/year views – calendars still work as calendars and you could see all your progress for the years from different periods. Old periods could be hidden from the Quick access list.
There is also an option to show periods list in the main view, which you could turn on/off in the App settings.

03/11/2021 – v. 2021.19 – Notes
3 improvements which make the app more useful and customizable:
1) Daily notes – now you could add a note for each day. Activate this feature in the calendar Details. When activated, with the first tap on the Day you will switch to Day mode, where you could write a note. The next tap on the same date will open the Drawing view or Trip details, depending on the calendar type and Day parameters.
2) Pictures in Activities calendar – now you could draw something beautiful in days without activities or even in days with activities. Select the way you want these images to be treated in the calendar Details.
3) A separate color for weekends – if you want to visually separate your weekends, now you could do it. For the whole app go to the Settings, for a particular Widget – go to its Details.
30/10/2021 – v. 2021.18 – Activities calendar
A new calendar type to track activities, moods, symptoms or anything you need.
Create items you want to track in the calendar details (specify a name and a color) and add them to a particular dates.
An image based on activities colors for the day will be added to the calendar. In the next version you will be also able to draw images you want.
One additional parameter to customize – you could specify a separate color for the day number for cases with images. In every calendar, not only in a new one!

16/10/2021 – v. 2021.15 – Travel calendar updates
- Now you could create your own countries for trips – with whatever name and picture you want! This custom countries will be treated in the app the same way as a default ones – you will see the “flag” on a calendar and in trip’s info.
You could also think about these custom items not as countries, but as a trip type or a type of activity. The only limitation is your imagination!
Custom countries could be added in the app Settings or in the Countries list, which is opened when you are creating a new trip or updating an existing one. - Information about days you’ve spent in each country is now displayed below monthly and yearly calendars. It is helpful if you need to know total number of days in each country for the year, for example. So no need to create a report now to get this info.
You could disable feature in the calendar details, if you do not need it.
20/08/2021 – v. 2021.10 – Stats for Streaks, PDF reports and Neutral streak days
In this version I’ve added several useful features requested by users. Looking forward for your other ideas and suggestions, which will improve user experience for everyone.
Streak stats – in addition to your travel stats, now you could see analytics for your streak calendars, including:
– Graph with monthly results
– Three top streaks
– Average successful and failed streaks days
– Results by years
– Average results by months
– Results by days of the week
These stats will help you to spot some behaviour patterns and improve your results in the future.

PDF reports
Now you directly export your calendars in pdf format.
For Travel calendars you could also add number of days per country to the report, which could be useful for tax and residency purposes.
To create a pdf report:
– select a year/month
– tap on a top-right button
– tap on “Share as PDF”
You could hide the calendar name and stats for Travel calendars.

Neutral Streak days
Now you could select a separate color for neutral days to visually differentiate between 3 types of days: good, bad and neutral.
Neutral days do not affect streak calculations, thus now you could you these type of calendar not only for everyday habits or task, but for a less regular ones too.
Just set a day, for which you are not planning to do a task, as a neutral, and it will not ruin your streak.

17/07/2021 – v. 2021.9 – Big update for Widgets
With this update you can now customize each Widget separately.
There is a new widget type – Daily picture.
You could see stats from the calendar – like month results or days left before a trip
You could even make your widget transparent!
More details here.
There is also an update for Life calendars – now you could split years by 1, 2 or 4 rows.

18/03/2021 – v. 2021.7 – Add images and photos to your days
Now you could add images and photos to your day entries. To switch to the new Image mode tap on the top right button in the Day view (it will switch between Drawing – Text – Image modes).
With “+” button you could add a new photo or photos from the gallery. With the adjacent button you could paste an image from the clipboard.
You could change size and move images on canvas, you could add as many images as you want.
You could draw, add texts and images on one canvas.

02/02/2021 – v. 2021.4 – Add text labels to your days
Now you could not only draw, but also add text labels to your days.
To add texts you need to switch to Text mode by tapping on a button in the top right corner in a Day view.
After that tap on “+” button to add a new text label.
You could customize everything:
– Font and font size
– Font and background colors
– Text direction and alignment
– Position (just drug and drop the label)
You could center your label vertically or horizontally with top right buttons in the first row.
You could add as many labels as you want.

26/01/2021 – v. 2021.3 – Password protection
In Settings you could add a 4 digit password to open the app.
Instead of password you could use FaceID and TouchID
22/01/2021 – v. 2021.2 – New layouts for the Year views
New way to show your data for the year. To switch between different layout tap on a button in the top right corner.
In portrait orientation you will see a table with 12 columns for months and 31 rows for day numbers.
In album orientation – 31 columns for day numbers and 12 rows for months
I thought about a layout with 52 columns for weeks, but it makes days too small.
Maybe in the future, when all iPhones will have 10” screens…

Other changes:
Now you could also change number of calendars in a row for portrait and album orientation in the Settings.
I prefer to see two calendars in Portrait mode and three calendars in Album mode.

15/12/2020 – v. 2020.31 – SHOW YOUR CALENDARS IN A LIST
Now you could see just calendar names in the main view, instead of current month calendars. This feature was added based on a feedback from a user with a significant number of calendars.
You could change the way calendars shown on main view in the Settings.

24/11/2020 – v. 2020.27 – PHOTO CALENDAR
With Photo calendars you could see a random photo for the day – from all of your photos or just from some albums.
It is perfect for remembering some nice things from the past: what you saw or ate last year, how your loved ones changed with time.

13/11/2020 – v. 2020.25 – NEW iOS 14 WIDGET
I added middle widget – Mark Off calendar on one side and next event on the other.
You could select from what calendars you want to see events, text or quote when there are no future events, colours.

Now you could see all your trips on any life calendar. Just check that this feature is turned on for a particular life calendar. If you do not want to see them, turn off the switch in calendar details.

07/10/2020 – v. 2020.20 – iOS 14 widget
Create widgets with your favourite calendars.
You could customize everything:
– Background color
– Title (month name, calendar name or empty)
– Title text alignment, color, font size and type
– Days text color, font size and type
– Frames for the days and its width and color

Updated flags:
Now all flags are in one style.

13/09/2020 – v. 2020.19 – Travel stats and trips on Life calendar
Now you could see you travel stats:
– number of countries visited
– number of country visits
– days travelled per year
– the longest trip
– the longest period without trips
To open stats view – go to Trip list for your calendar and tap on “Stats” button at the top of the list
From stats view you could see all your trips in a Life calendar layout -> at the bottom tap on “All trips on Life calendar” button

09/09/2020 – v. 2020.18 – Year updates, current strike calc customization
Results for the year are show in year view layout:
– Number of good days and longest streak for the year for Streak calendars
– Number of days travelled, trips made and countries visited for Travel calendars

Streak settings for Empty days:
Now you could choose how current streak is calculated for Today, when Today is empty. You have 4 options:
– Treat empty day as a successful day – it will be added to the current streak
– Treat empty day as a neutral day and show current streak
– Treat empty day as a neutral day and show current streak only Today is empty (so if two days are empty, current streak is not shown)
– Treat empty day as a neutral day and hide current streak

Now you could manually sort calendars – just drag and drop it.
Also I updated year view in album orientation.
23/08/2020 – v. 2020.17 – Custom Images
Now you could draw a picture once and add it to any day you want.
To add custom images go to Settings -> Custom images.
To paste image in a particular date -> Long tap on any date until context menu appears -> Select your image from the list

17/08/2020 – v. 2020.16 – Context Menus
Context menus for days – copy and paste images between dates, set new key dates, change day types, create new trips and clear dates.
Long tap on any date to open the context menu.
You will see all your custom images in the Context menu too.

If you do not like to list calendar when adding new trips in the future, just double tap on a date and a Date Picker will open
29/07/2020 – v. 2020.15 – Minor updates for Life calendars
You could limit years in a Life calendar only to the days you lived so far.
Chapter names and stats are now show in Life calendar views
10/07/2020 – v. 2020.13 – Life calendar
Life calendar is inspired by WaitButWhy blog post Your Life in Weeks
Each square on calendar represents one week of your life. You could add important moments and chapters of your life and have a bird’s eye view your life so far.
It also helps you track duration of your life stages and could prompt you to change something.
Life span is adjustable. At least in this app 🙂
You could also display your trips and travels on this calendar – just toggle the switch in calendar details.

05/06/2020 – v. 2020.9 – Animations
I added animation for calendars and days opening, now everything looks better!
28/05/2020 – v. 2020.7 – Album orientation
Now app works in all orientations, which especially useful for iPad users
05/08/2019 – v. 1.9.1 – Travel list
See all your trips and travels in one list with sorting and searching.

31/12/2018 – v. 1.6.1 – Improvements
Improved country selection.
First week day customization
13/11/2018 – v. 1.5 – Travel calendar
With travel calendars you could track your trips and travel. In addition to crossing out dates and track days left and days passed, it allows you to see how much (or how little) you travelled and what countries you have visited. And what future trips await you.