Download the latest version of big4macros.xlam

There are almost 40 macros in big4macros add-in.
In addition to the macros, described below, this add-in disables F1 button and Research to save your peace of mind from accidental pressing on them.

If you want our macros to autorun with Excel, just move big4macros.xlam to the following folder:


Just copy it to the file path box and press Enter


Set your general format once and easily apply it to all selection with a selected hotkey.

Sometimes you need to quickly switch between different number formats, especially, if you use custom formats, for example, for multiplicator calculations

If you need to apply different date formats or any other number formats, you could use this additional macro. Consider it like additon to the Number_format macro.

If you actively use Excel styles in your work (which have significant advantages by itself), you could switch between your styles with wind speed.

On average there is a need to apply different font colors about 100 times per day. And most of the times 4 colors is enough. So use this macro to change between you favourite colors!

On average there is a need to apply different cell colors about 50 times per day. And most of the times 4 colors is enough. So use this macro to change between you favourite colors!

Divide by 10^3, 10^6, multiply by -1
These macros allows you to divide by thousand or million and multiply by -1. Sequential execution removes dividing/multiplication.

Merging cells results in difficulties with navigation in your workbook and for this reason it is always better to use center across alignment. Our macro will help you to apply it faster.

There are many cases where it is useful to copy current formula in a comment and pust results as values. Sequential execution of this macro return formula to cell and delete comment.

Useful macros for working with valuation and other models: standard ‘Fill Right’ command is better than copy-paste option, but you have to select range every time. This macro looks for cells above and fills right current cell (formula and format) for range with ‘heading’ above.

By analogy with the previous one this macros will fill down current cell based on range in left or right column.
You could also select and fill down/right several columns/rows simultaneously!

Set your preferable table format once and apply it with one hotkey thousand of times!
You could set font, font size and color, filling color, make you font bold and/or italic and so on.

Select_all_sheets macro
Obviously, selects all sheets in your workbook.

Kill_formula macro
Copies selected cells values and pastes it as values (or kills formulas).


Allows you to visually separate result and raw data sheets by colors based on selected separator

Applies selected zoom level and ‘Normal’ vies for all sheets.

Unmerges and unwraps all cells in a selected worksheet, also autofits all rows.

Set desirable row height in a pop-up window, which will be applied to all rows in a worksheet.

Split text from a selected cells in several rows based on defined number of symbols

Split text from selected cells based on ‘New row’ separator.

Selects constants (except for text) in a selected range.

Compares formulas in each cell in a selected range with formulas from tangent cells.

Fast and demonstrative way to identify all cells on a selected sheet, which were used in your calculations.
Fills with random color selected cell and precedents on a selected sheet. If you do not like particular color – just run this macro again.

Unhides all worksheets in a workbook.

Check if there is any link for a worksheet and moves it to a new workbook if they are absent.

Copy formulas from a selected range to a specified destination.

Remove double spaces, spaces before dots and commas and other punctuation mistakes.

Replaces empty cells in a selected range with nulls.

Creates a sheet with an index for a current worksheet.

Collapses a 2d table into a 1d table. Source.

Deletes empty rows in a selected range.

Deletes empty columns in a worksheet.

Deletes hidden worksheets from a workbook.

Screen_Update – if you think there are problems with Excel – click this button!